Photos of reunions

20th Reunion - 1988

25th Reunion - 1993

30th Reunion - 1998

35th Reunion - 2003

40th Reunion - 2008

45th Reunion - 2013

Miami Valley Golf Club
Miami Valley Golf Club
45th Reunion names

Sitting (left to right): Leonard Solkov, Winnie Cleavenger, Dan Boda, Marcia Toyama, DeeDee Matthews, Marcia Pabst, Joy Merritt
Standing (left to right): Bill Staas, Judy Lutes, Irvin Moscowitz, Tom Andrew, Dan Miller, Dan Schaefer, Jim Woessner, Pam Needham, Donna Becker, George Brown, Betsy Lippitt,Mark Heitzman, Marilyn Lee, Bruce Gantner, Sue Fisler, Mike Kling, Harry Beyoglides, Sue Carter, Vickie Holland, Tom Lee, Carl Schwab, Mike Hutmier, Bobbie Murphy, Bob Slitor, Cathy Wood, John Ramberger, Margaret Kerman, Phil Echko

Little York Tavern
Little York Tavern
Directory from the 10th Reunion - 1978
20th Reunion at Miami Valley Golf Club - 1988
Directory from 20th reunion
25th Reunion Committee planning
25th Reunion - Miami Valley Golf Club - 1993
25th Class Reunion Photobook
Directory from 25th reunion
30th Reunion Weekend - 1998
35th reunion weekend - 2003
40th Reunion - Friday events - 2008
40th Reunion - Building Tour - 2008
40th Reunion - Golf outing - 2008
40th Reunion - Saturday night at Miami Valley Golf Club - 2008
40th Reunion - Sunday Brunch - 2008
45th Reunion at Little York Tavern - 2013
45th Reunion Golf Outing - 2013
45th Reunion - Miami Valley Golf Club - Saturday Night - 2013